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How To Attract Robins to Your Backyard

How To Attract Robins to Your Backyard

There is probably no bird better associated with spring than the American Robin. This songbird can be found throughout North America. In fact, the robin is the official bird of three states – Connecticut, Michigan, and Wisconsin. 

Robins are members of the thrush family and can fly for up to 3,000 miles as part of their annual Spring migration, although many travel less and some are stationary. With their gray and orange coloring and their boisterous nature, these are often beloved backyard birds. If you are hoping to attract more robins to your backyard this year, keep in mind the following tips. 

Add Water Features

Having a bird bath or other water features is a perfect way to get robins to discover your yard. Once robins realize you have a reliable food source, they will continue to come. However, getting them to visit for the first time is much easier if you offer bird baths, which they are drawn to. Water features that move and make noise can be more effective in drawing attention. You may even notice robins dipping nest materials into the water as they build nests nearby.

Of course, those hoping to provide a winter habitat for these feathered friends will want to invest in a heated bird bath. This will provide a reliable source of water even during the heart of winter when natural sources of water may freeze over. 

Understand Their Preferred Diet

When we think of birds, we tend to think of birdseed. After all, birdseed is a favorite of many different species. However, not all birds devour seeds. Robins are one species that aren’t interested in them. However, robins do have a fairly varied diet, meaning you have many options for food offerings that will attract these critters. 

You probably have seen photos of robins hunting worms. They are a favorite treat. Thus, offering some mealworms is a great way to get them to frequent your backyard. These birds also enjoy grape jelly, suet, raisins, apple slices, and other types of fruit. Of course, you’ll find them eating insects and other things as well. Thus, a jelly feeder or a combo mealworm and suet feeder are great choices. 

Offer Winter Food Too

Not all robins are migratory. In fact, some will stay put during the winter and feast on berries from different trees and plants. If you hope to attract some robins during the winter, planting trees that bear winter fruit like dogwood, thimbleberry, and hawthorn are great ideas. This can provide robins with a reliable food source at a time when food is scarcer. 

It’s often good to plant these trees on the edges of your yard, leaving an open area in between as robins will pilfer berries from trees but hunt in open spaces. Another great idea for encouraging robins to dine in your yard is to keep a number of small piles of leaves. These are natural habitats for insects and other things robins love to eat. You’ll see robins hopping around your yard looking for snacks. 

Carefully Consider Feeder Placement

Robins, in general, aren’t very big on dining from feeders. This is because they tend to hunt on the ground or eat berries from trees. However, you can attract them to your feeders by paying special attention to feeder placement. You want to place feeders in a way that will encourage robins to discover them. 

The best way to do this is to place feeders close to areas where robins will naturally visit. Specifically, placing a feeder next to berry-producing trees or a bird bath will help encourage them to dine from the food you provide. Tray feeders with mealworms or fruit next to these sources are great ideas. You’ll likely have more luck with this tactic in the warmer months. During cold months, robins are more nomadic, in search of berries. 

Trust Birdertown for All Your Robin Needs

Whether you want to add a heated bird bath to your yard or stock up on some mealworms, Birdertown is the place where shopping is for the birds! You can find all of your robin needs here at our convenient online store. 

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