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5 Tricks to Keep Squirrels Out of Your Bird Feeders

5 Tricks to Keep Squirrels Out of Your Bird Feeders

We all love seeing beautiful birds flock to our yards. It makes it a nicer day to hear their singing and watch them fly around. When it comes to getting our feathered friends to frequent your yard, one thing that can be the bane of any birder’s existence is squirrels. These rodents can prove quite creative in finding ways to access bird feeders.

In fact, many people go to great lengths to get squirrels to stay away from feeders. This can be a particularly challenging task. If you have been having issues with squirrels, here are five core tips to help keep them on the ground and away from bird feeders.

Invest in a Squirrel Resistant Feeder

If you have a squirrel problem, the good news is that there are many feeders available that are fairly successful at keeping squirrels out. For example, this chalet bird feeder can hold birdseed, peanut halves, and more while locking to prevent squirrel access. It is also chew-resistant, meaning squirrels likely won’t be able to get through to the bird seed.

There are also many tube feeders like this squirrel buster mini tube that come with external cages, making it possible for birds to feed while preventing squirrels from stealing seeds. If you are looking for a squirrel-resistant feeder solution, look no further than our wide selection.

Opt for a Squirrel Pole Baffler

If you find that squirrels are scaling your pole feeders, there is an easy way to resolve this issue without investing in a brand-new feeder. You can simply purchase a squirrel pole baffle. These items make it very difficult for squirrels to be able to reach the feeder by providing them with an obstacle that is almost impossible to get around.

One benefit of pole bafflers is that they are adjustable and will fit most pole sizes. Just be sure to measure your pole before ordering. This simple solution will keep all but the most creative squirrels away from this type of feeder.

Pay Attention to the Spacing of Feeders

If squirrels can’t climb up poles to your feeders, they will often try to leap into them. Spacing your feeders appropriately is a great way to prevent this. Generally speaking, keeping feeders at least 10 feet away from trees, your house, powerlines, and other tall things will stop this.

However, this may not be the best solution for all types of birds. Many types of birds vastly prefer to get their food near the shelter of trees. Additionally, you may simply not have many (or any) locations within this ten-foot clear radius. Thus, this may not be the best choice for all backyard birdwatchers.

Spice Up Your Food

A surefire way to ensure that squirrels do not try to raid your food is to provide foods that squirrels hate. This may be a good solution if you are only trying to attract birds that love bird seed. The secret all comes down to spice.

Mammals, including us and squirrels, have a specific receptor for capsaicin that allows us to taste spicy peppers. Birds do not have this receptor. As a plus, squirrels typically hate spicy foods. Using birdseed that includes spicy flavors is perfect because the squirrels will hate it while the birds won’t even taste the spice.

Make Specific Design Choices with Your Poles

If you use a wooden pole or one made from most metals, you’ll find that a squirrel can easily ascend it to the treats atop. However, PVC pipes or copper poles make it much more difficult for squirrels to get traction. Some people even add oily substances to their poles.

Of course, another popular and inexpensive adaptation is attaching a slinky to the end of the birdfeeder, wrapping it around the post. This serves as a squirrel elevator! When the squirrel grabs hold, gravity drops them down, making it very hard for them to get up.

Remember Birdertown for All Your Birdwatching Needs!

Birdertown is your home for everything bird-related. Regardless of what you need, you’ll probably find it here. Be sure to keep us in mind for all your birding supplies!

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