5 Tips to Attract Orioles to Your Backyard
Orioles are stunning birds, so it’s no surprise you want to attract them to your backyard buffet. As an avid birdwatcher, you have a good chance of attracting these flying jewels when they first arrive in early spring.
If you want to add some color to your backyard with these beautiful songbirds, here are 5 tips to attract orioles to your garden.
1. Use Oriole Specific Bird Feeders
Now, the first step to attracting these golden jewels is keeping bird feeders that are conducive to their size and physiology. While Orioles may use Hummingbird feeders, their tongues are often too big and lack the capacity to hover around like Hummingbirds, often knocking over the feeder altogether. This is why birdwatchers should have oriole-specific feeders in their backyard.
But what do oriole-specific feeders mean? Since these birds are attracted to vibrant colors, the most suitable bird feeders for them would be bright orange or yellow. Due to their large tongues, they also require large drinking and eating ports as well as a spacious perch. As a bonus, oriole feeders often have places to keep fruit or other treats for these birds.
2. Offer Nectar In Your Backyard
Much like Hummingbirds, Orioles enjoy lapping up sugar water or nectar for that added boost of energy. While you can easily find ready-made nectar, you can also make a nectar solution at home. Just make sure the nectar concentration is weaker, in a ratio of 8-to-1, compared to the one prepared for Hummingbirds.
Make sure you serve this nectar in an oriole feeder, one that has ports more sizeable than the ones present on Hummingbird feeders.
3. Temp Orioles with Grape Jelly
Orioles migrate to this end, and that takes considerable energy. Attract these birds with an energizing food source like grape jelly. Unlike other birds, orioles prefer dark-colored fruit, due to which grape stands out as a foolproof plan to attract these golden birds.
You can simply add some grape jelly to the oriole feeder in a shallow port, but make sure to keep it clean as jelly will quickly mold.
4. Hang the Feeder So It’s Visible From Treetop
Just finding the right feeder isn’t enough, location is key as well! Orioles are treetop birds, so make sure the oriole feeder is clearly visible from their position at the top of deciduous trees. Orioles are relatively shy birds, so they will prefer feeding in a secluded area, away from human activity and other birds.
Therefore, keep their feeders away from busy areas so they can enjoy their meal in peace-just how they like it!
5. Add a Moving Water Source
Like all birds, Orioles need water to avoid dehydration and remain healthy. These particular birds are attracted to shallow dishes and moving water sources, so adding that to your garden will be a strategic choice in attracting orioles.
Orioles are attracted to the sight and sound of moving water, so add a moving water bath near your oriole feeder. However, make sure the basin is no more than 2 to 3 inches deep to provide them with the ideal place to bathe and drink water.
Looking for The Right Bird Feeder?
Orioles are particular about the bird feeders they like and can easily use. If you’re confused about the right feeder to attract orioles, ask our birding experts today.