Clear All Weather Circular Perch Bird Feeder by Songbird Essentials 6 QT
The All Weather 6 Quart Clear Feeder is the first weatherproof wild bird feeder. Through rain, snow, sleet and ice, the All Weather Feeder delivers the seed dry. Will not clog up with snow and ice. The circular perch lets you see all the birds that are feeding, even those on the far side. Catches spilled seed for less waste. Easily removed for cleaning. Comes completely apart so each piece can be individually cleaned. A clean feeder helps keep the bird population healthy.
This feeder will be more popular for the birds if it is not hung near a cluster of other feeders because it is also not as easy for the birds to eat from. The benefit is worth it because when the birds cannot eat from feeders unprotected from the weather, they will be able to eat from the All Weather Feeder. To draw a crowd of birds, try feeding Sunflower Hearts versus Black Oil Sunflower so they do not have to mess with the hull, or you can try putting some seed in the tray or peanut butter on the holes to further entice the birds to work for their dinner.
Please note: The 10 IN x 3 IN Stainless Steel All Weather Feeder Squirrel Cage is sold separately.